Tomato & Sweet Pepper Soup


Serves 4


½ litre of vegetable stock made with veg. stock cube
1 onion (s)
1 Sweet pointed pepper, deseeded & finely chopped (s)
1 celery, finely chopped (s)
1 carrot, finely chopped (s)
1 Knorr “herb” stockpot
1tbsp sweetener
2 garlic cloves
410g Tin of chopped tomatoes (s)
Splash of Worcester sauce


Fry the onions, garlic & pepper in a large pot sprayed with Fry Light until soft, add the celery, carrot, and cook for 5 mins add the Knorr “herb” stockpot, mix together.

Make up the veg. stock.

Add the tomatoes, sweetener & Worcester Sauce, mix, add the stock bring to the boil, then simmer for 20 mins, remove from the heat and using a hand blender, reduce to a “lumpy” mix, (or smooth if you prefer) return to the heat and cook for a further 10 mins.