Moussaka (slimming world friendly )


This dinner takes a little time to prepare and make but it’s well worth it. I make no claims to its authenticity as a proper moussaka but it is a very tasty and filling dinner. This recipe makes 4 very generous portions,  I usually serve with a side salad or some broccoli as my superfree veg.


1 lb extra lean minced beef
1 aubergine (thinly sliced)
3 large potatoes (thinly sliced)
2 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 large onions (sliced)
2 tsp cumin
1 pint beef stock
fry light
1/2 pint semi skimmed milk
1 tbsp cornflour
grated nutmeg
salt and pepper
6oz low fat grated cheddar


Pre heat the oven at 200/400/gas 6, Spray a baking tray with fry light and place the aubergine slices on it and spray again then bake for about 10 minutes until soft and then set aside.

Place the sliced potatoes in a pan of salted water bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes then drain and set aside.

Spray a large saute pan or wok with frylight and add the minced beef, onions and garlic and fry until beef is cooked and onions are soft.

Add the cumin, stock, tomato puree and tinned tomatoes then bring to the boil, Then lower the heat and simmer until the sauce is reduced and thickened, Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Place sauce in a large ovenproof casserole dish and lay the sliced potatoes on the top, Then layer the aubergine slices on top of that.

In a small saucepan place the milk and cornflour and whisk well continously over a medium heat until it comes to the boil and simmer until thick for a few minutes, Season to taste with salt and pepper and add a little grated nutmeg if liked. Pour the sauce over the top of the meat, potatoes and aubergine.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at gas 5 /375/190 for about 45 minutes until top is browned and bubbly.

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