Spicy Spanish Pasta


Serves 2


1 Red pepper, finely sliced (s)
1 Chilli, deseeded & finely chopped (s)
1 Tbsp. Paprika
1 Tbsp. Parsley
2 Garlic cloves (s)
2 Red onions, finely sliced (s)
6 Mushrooms, finely sliced (s)
100g Penne (f)
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)
500g Passata (s)
S & P


In a frying pan, sprayed with frylight, cook the onions until soft, add the chilli, garlic & pepper & cook for a few minutes.
Add the tomatoes, mushrooms, parsley & passata then simmer for 20 mins. Add the paprika & cook for a further 10 mins. Season to taste.
In the meantime boil some water & cook the penne for 10 mins, drain then plate up.

SOURCE : http://www.socialslimmers.com/slimming-world-recipes/3763-spicy-spanish-pasta.html