Chicken, Lemon & Honey Roast


Serves 2

1 lemon, use rind & juice (ss) (sff)
2 Chicken breasts (s) (ff)
2tbsp honey (2.5 syns per person)
2tbsp light soy sauce
2 sprigs of rosemary
4 garlic cloves (sff)
4 rashers of smoked bacon, with rind removed (ff)
Shake of Garlic salt


In an ovenproof dish sprayed with Fry Light place 2 chicken breasts, each with a sprig of rosemary and then covered with 2 rashers of bacon with the rind removed, wrapped around each chicken. Stab small slits into each chicken.
Preheat the oven to 180c, make a marinade of lemon juice, honey & soy sauce in a small bowl, coat the chicken and then add the garlic cloves, sprinkle with garlic salt, slice the lemon into slices and lie across each chicken breast, cover in Clingfilm and refrigerate. Marinade for at least 2hrs.
Remove from the fridge, allow returning to room temperature, remove the Clingfilm and cook for 10 mins remove from the oven, re-coat the chicken & return to the oven, repeat after another 10 mins, continue until the chicken is golden in colour & cooked. (About 30 mins in total, depending on the size of the chicken)
Serve with a bowl of rice and a side salad.