Syn free lasagne on EE (using hex A)


This lasagne is really nice and even if you don’t like quark, you should still like it!
Makes 6 generous portions

400g extra lean beef mince
2 onions
frozen sliced peppers (or fresh)
fresh garlic
mixed herbs
carton of passata
lasagne sheets

252g grated low fat mature cheddar
2 tubs quark
1 egg
skimmed milk
dried parsley
english mustard

Chop onions and fry in frylight along with the frozen sliced peppers. Once cooked transfer to a large saucepan or wok.
Fry the mince beef until brown and add to the saucepan.
Add the passata, mixed herbs, 3 crushed garlic cloves and salt/pepper to taste. Leave to simmer, stirring occasionally.

Empty 2 tubs of quark in to a seperate saucepan and add one egg. Heat gently while mixing together. Add a dash of skimmed milk if the white sauce is too thick. (the amount needed won’t even average out to half a syn per portion). Mix in some dried parsley and quarter tsp of mustard.

Using a lasagne type dish, place half of meat mixture in bottom, top with lasagne sheets, add half of the white sauce and the remainder of the meat mixture.
Add a further layer of lasagne sheets, top with the remaining white sauce and then add the grated cheese evenly over the top.
Bake in oven gas mark 6 for 30-35mins.