Cocktail ice lollies

  • Serves: 8
  • Cook time: 10 minutes plus freezing time
  • Ready in: Less than 30 Minutes
  • * Freezer friendly
  • Syns per serving: 1

Chill out on a hot summer evening with these just-for-grown-ups frozen treats.


For the Peach Bellini lollies:

  • 500g peeled flesh of ripe peaches, cut ino 1cm cubes
  • 250ml diet lemonade
  • 50ml sparkling dry white wine
  • 1 tbsp sweetener

For the Raspberry gin & tonic lollies:

  • 400g raspberries
  • 160ml slimline tonic
  • 35ml gin
  • 200ml diet lemonade
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • 1 level tbsp sweetener


  1. For the Peach Bellini lollies: divide the peaches between 8 x 100ml ice-lolly moulds. Mix together the liquid ingredients and the sweetener in a measuring jug and pour over the fruit in the moulds. Insert the lolly sticks and freeze for 5-6 hours, or until frozen.
  2. For the Raspberry gin & tonic lollies: make following the same method as the Peach Bellinis, above, and freeze for 5-6 hours, or until frozen.
  3. To serve, dip the moulds into warm water for a few seconds and ease out the lollies.

Tip: For a delicious, creamy treat search for our Pina Colada ice lollies.