Bubble & Squeak


Serves 2


2 large potatoes, boiled then mashed
2 Medium Leeks, chopped finely (s)
2 Rashers of bacon, fat removed (p)
3 Eggs, 2 of them fried (p)
400g baked beans (p)

* Optional
100g Mushrooms (s)
100g Tomatoes (s)


Boil potatoes for 10 mins then add the leeks, cook for a further 5 mins then drain.
In a potato masher, mash the potatoes, then add the leek, 1 egg & season well. Allow to cool, then shape into burgers, place in a fridge for 30 mins to stiffen up, heat a frying pan sprayed with frylight, and cook the burgers on both sides until cooked & browned.
Cook the bacon, beans & eggs, also the mushrooms & tomatoes if wanted,

SOURCE : http://www.socialslimmers.com/slimming-world-recipes/3666-pete-s-recipe-book-28.html