SW Sausages, Onion gravy & noodles


Serves 2


1 Knorr dark beef stockpot
1 leek, finely sliced (s)
1 Tsp Sweetener
1 Tsp Balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp. dried parsley
2 Red onions, finely sliced (s)
4 SW sausages cut into two (p)
100ml water
150g Spaghetti or noodles (f)
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)
S & P


In a frying pan, sprayed with frylight, cook the sausages for 5 mins, turning several times; add the onions, leeks & parsley mix well.
Add the stockpot, 100ml water & cook until the liquid has been reduced, add the tomatoes, sweetener & balsamic vinegar, reduce heat & simmer for 20 mins.
Cook the spaghetti or noodles as per the packet instructions.
Plate up.