Slimming world Egg, Curry, Rice


Serves 2


1 Knorr Chicken stockpot + 150mL Hot water
1 Tbsp. Sweetener
2 Red onions, sliced (s)
2 Tbsp. Hot madras curry powder
4 medium size eggs (p)
100g Long grain rice (f)
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)


Boil the eggs for 5 mins then cool rapidly, set aside.
In a frying pan, sprayed with frylight, cook the onions until soft. Add the madras curry powder & mix, cook for 5 mins then add the tomatoes & sweetener bring to the boil, cover, then reduce the heat to a simmer, cook for 20 mins.
In the meantime cook the rice as per instructions on the package, drain, cover & steam until the curry is ready.
Carefully shell the eggs & cut from top to bottom, plate up.