Slimming world Chicken Stroganof


Serves 2


½ tsp English mustard
1 Knorr chicken stockpot
1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Tbsp. Red wine vinegar
1 Tbsp. Paprika
1 Tbsp. Turmeric
2 Garlic cloves (s)
200mL Knorr veg. stock
200g Mushrooms, quartered (s)
250g Fromage Frais (c)
460g Chicken thighs cut into chunks (p)


Cook the chicken in a large frying pan, sprayed with frylight, until the meat is white.
Add the red wine, onion, garlic, cook until the onions are soft, add the chicken stockpot, and allow to melt, mix well.
Add mushrooms, paprika & veg. stock, season well, bring to the boil & cook until the liquid has been reduced by 75%.
Cook the rice as per instructions on the package, colour the rice with the turmeric if you want.
Remove the chicken from the direct heat, allow cooling for 1 minute, adding the fromage frais, 1 tbsp. at a time, mixing well before adding the next spoonful, add the mustard, returning to a LOW heat and gently keeping warm until the rice is ready. Plate up.