Slimming world Heinz tomato soup


Serves 2


½ Tsp Balsamic vinegar
1 Tsp Dried basil
1 Tsp Worcester sauce
1 Tsp Sweetener
1 Tbsp. Tomato puree (s)
1 Tbsp. Fromage Frais (c)
1 Garlic clove (s)
1 Red onion, quartered (s)
400g Plum tomatoes (s)
500mL Vegetable stock


Preheat the oven to 180C.
Remove the fromage frais from the fridge & allow to come to room temperature.
Spray a oven dish with frylight, roast the onion & garlic for 20 mins, remove from the oven & add the tomatoes, puree, balsamic vinegar, dried basil & return to the oven for a further 15 mins.
Remove from the oven & cook in a saucepan with the stock, sweetener & Worcester sauce, simmer for 15 mins then liquidize, pass through a sieve, allow cooling slightly then adding the fromage frais.
* add more fromage frais if you want a creamier soup. Season with S & P.
