Slimming world Minted Chixsticks


Serves 2


*1 Pack Minted Chixsticks (p)
1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Cup of frozen peas (p) (f)
1 Cup of long grain rice
1tsp Turmeric (for colouring the rice)


Pre-heat the oven to 180C, or under a hot grill, place the kebabs on a shallow ovenproof dish & keep the liquid, it’s the sauce, place in the oven on the middle shelf, cook for 10 mins, watching from time to time so that they don’t burn, keep on brushing with the sauce, remove & turn over, cook for a further 10 mins until fully cooked.

In the meantime cook the rice in a small saucepan, with 3 cups of water, turmeric, cook until the water has be absorbed, remove & place in a sieve, return the sieve to the saucepan & cover for 2 mins to allow the rice to steam.
In a small saucepan, sprayed with frylight, cook the onion until soft, add the peas & cook for 5 mins, cover & set aside.
Mix the peas & onion with the rice, plate up and place the kebabs on top of the rice.
Serve with a salad.
