Slimming world Mixed Fishcakes


Serves 2


2 Large potatoes
150g (Sainsbury’s) Smoked salmon trimmings (p)
120g (Sainsbury’s) Basic white fish (p)
1 handful of parsley
1 lemon, zest & juice (s)


Peel and cut the potatoes and boil them in salted water in a large saucepan, after 10mins put a bamboo steamer or a colander, on top of the saucepan, with the fish in it, seasoned with salt & pepper, if using a colander cover with cooking foil to allow the salmon to steam. Cook for a further 10 mins.

When the potatoes and the fish are cooked then remove & flake it, remove any skin, and place in a glass dish, drain the mash the potatoes and allow to cool.

Add the potatoes, lemon rind & juice, parsley and salt & pepper, to the fish, scoop up in your hands, a portion of the mix and form into a fishcake, adjusting them to a size that suits you.

Place into a fridge to allow them to stiffen.Spray a frying pan with Fry Light and cook until browned, turn over and repeat.