Slimming world Italian Meatballs with Spaghetti


Serves 2


1 Knorr “herb” stockpot
* 1 Pack of Bobs “Beef meatballs in Italian spice” (p)
1 Stick of celery, chopped small (s)
1 large onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Carrot, grated, (s)
1tbsp Sweetener
1tbsp Dried oregano (s)
1tbsp Tomato Puree (s)
2 Garlic cloves
100g Spaghetti
100g Mushrooms, sliced (s)
500g Passata (s)
Salt & pepper
Fresh basil
* Parmesan cheese if liked

* Bob Willock Butchers 251 Longmore Rd. Shirley. Solihull B90 3ER 0121-744-2194


In a large pan sprayed with Fry Light, cook the meatballs in batches until browned, set aside & keep warm, then cook the onion & garlic until soft, add the passata, sweetener and the basil, ripped into small pieces.
Cook for 10 mins, Place the stockpot on top of the mixture and allow to infuse.
Simmer for 20 mins or until it thickens, then season.
Add the meatballs & the mushrooms, simmer for 5 mins more.
In the meantime cook your spaghetti as per packet instructions, when cooked add to the sauce & mix together, plate up & grate parmesan cheese over the food, if you like it.
(This sauce is nice on its own just with spaghetti)
