• halfsyn roulade
  • 4 eggs
  • vanilla essence (few drops)
  • ……4tblsp canderel
  • ……strawberies or raspberries (chopped)
  • fry light
  • …grease proof paper
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tub quark


seperate egg whites from yolks and whisk whites until soft peaks form.

in another bowl put the yolks, half of the tub of quark,2 tblsp canderel,few drops vanilla essence,baking powder.

when peaks form fold in the above ingredients then onto a greased tray line with greaseproof paper and add the cake mixture, put in oven for 10/15 mins until golden brown i did gas mark 5/6.

with the other half of the quark the remaining canderel and strawberries or rasp, add sum more essence to taste mix it all up.

when the cake is browned leave to cool turn out onto a surfce taking the paper off, add the quark mixture and roll up into a swiss roll add icing sugar if wanted!

place into fridge to set for 1 hr and yummy it tastes gud for 1/2 syn all the lot!! enjoy

lemon & lime filling

2 syns total for the whole roulade

4 eggs

1 tsp baking powder (1/2 syn)

1 tub fat free fromage frais

1 tub quark

1 sachet sugar free lemon/lime jelly crystals (1 ½ syns)

4 tablespoons of canderel + more for icing

1 fresh lemon

preheat oven to 190o

make the jelly using ¼ pint of boiling water then whisk in the tub of fromage frais, put in fridge to set slightly (needs to be spreadable)

separate the eggs. whisk egg whites till they form peaks, set aside. mix egg yolks with ½ a tub of quark, the baking powder, canderell, grated rind of the lemon and a squeeze of it’s juice. fold this mixture into the egg whites. pour into a lined and sprayed with frylight swiss roll tin and cook for approx. 10 mins till golden. turn out and remove paper.

when cold, spread the jelly mixture onto the sponge, and roll up. mix the remaining quark with lemon juice, and canderell to taste. spread on top of roulade and decorate with some lemon peel shavings.