EASY Slimming Vanilla Oat Cookies – SYN FREE


EASY Slimming Vanilla Oat Cookies – SYN FREE


35g unsweetened porridge oats (most of your your Healthy B allowance)

1 egg

4 tablespoons sweetener

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Mix the egg in a bowl

Add everything else and mix

Put grease proof paper on a baking tray and spray fry light

Split the mixture into 6 blobs

Put in the oven for 10 mins- grass mk 6/ 180-200 degree fan.

After 10 mins flip them over and cook for 5 more mins.

Take out and allow to cool.

Serve!!!They are amazing!!!!

SOURCE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_z7plJhi7A