Blog Page 58

Chicken Burgers


Serves 2


½ Tsp Chilli powder
½ Onion (s)
1 Egg (p)
1 Tsp Dried parsley
250g Pre-cooked chicken (p))
S & P


Place the chicken, chilli, parsley & onion in a food processor, reduce to small pieces, place in a bowl, add the egg & S&P. Mix together & chill for 30 mins, remove from the fridge & mould into 4 burgers, place on greaseproof paper & chill until ready to cook.
Pre-heat the oven to 180C, place the greaseproof paper on a flat tray & cook for 15 mins then remove & turn over, continue to cook for a further 15 mins, serve with wedges.


Chicken Rogan Josh


Serves 2


1 Onion, sliced (s)
1 Cinnamon stick
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Coriander
1 Tsp Turmeric
1 Tbsp. Madras hot curry
1 Tbsp. Tomato puree (s)
2 Garlic cloves, crushed (s)
6 Cardamom seeds, crushed
6 Cloves
6 bay leaves
200g Fat free Normandy natural Fromage Frais (c)
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)
460g Chicken thighs cut into chunks (p)
S & P
Fresh Coriander


Pre-heat the oven at 90C (Eco setting)
In a casserole dish sprayed with frylight, brown the chicken, remove & set aside.
Cook the onion until soft, add the garlic, cardamom seeds, cinnamon stick, cloves, bay leaves & spices, cook for a few minutes, add the tomato, chicken, tomato puree, a handful of fresh coriander & seasoning. Place in the oven & cook for at least 1 hr. Remove the Fromage Frais from the fridge, allow to come to room temperature, remove the casserole dish from the oven, remove cinnamon stick, allow to cool slightly, add the fromage frais, 1Tbsp at a time, mixing each time.
Serve with rice.


Slimming world Chicken Soup


Serves 4


1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Carrot, finely chopped (s)
1 Celery, finely chopped (s)
1 Bouquet Garni
1 Chicken breast (p)
1 Knorr stockpot
1 Ltr cold water
Sprinkle of pepper


Place the onion, carrot, celery, chicken & bouquet garni in a deep saucepan, add the cold water.
Slowly bring to the boil, add the stockpot & simmer for 1.5 to 2 hrs, remove the chicken & allow to cool, using two forks, pull the chicken to pieces then return to the saucepan, remove the bouquet garni, season the soup with the pepper & serve in warmed soup bowls.


Slimming world Chicken Stroganof


Serves 2


½ tsp English mustard
1 Knorr chicken stockpot
1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Tbsp. Red wine vinegar
1 Tbsp. Paprika
1 Tbsp. Turmeric
2 Garlic cloves (s)
200mL Knorr veg. stock
200g Mushrooms, quartered (s)
250g Fromage Frais (c)
460g Chicken thighs cut into chunks (p)


Cook the chicken in a large frying pan, sprayed with frylight, until the meat is white.
Add the red wine, onion, garlic, cook until the onions are soft, add the chicken stockpot, and allow to melt, mix well.
Add mushrooms, paprika & veg. stock, season well, bring to the boil & cook until the liquid has been reduced by 75%.
Cook the rice as per instructions on the package, colour the rice with the turmeric if you want.
Remove the chicken from the direct heat, allow cooling for 1 minute, adding the fromage frais, 1 tbsp. at a time, mixing well before adding the next spoonful, add the mustard, returning to a LOW heat and gently keeping warm until the rice is ready. Plate up.


Slimming world Chicken Vindaloo


Serves 4


1Tsp Turmeric
1Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Coriander
1 Tsp Garam masala
1Tbsp Porch Phoron
1 Tbsp. Hot paprika
*1 Tbsp. Garlic/ginger puree
1 Tbsp. white vinegar
1 Tbsp. Sweetener
1 Onion, sliced (s)
1 Chilli, sliced, (leave the seeds in for a hotter taste) (s)
100g Pre-cooked Waxy potatoes
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)
460g Skinless chicken thighs (p)
* Or use separate garlic & ginger, crushed down to a paste


Spy a frying pan with frylight, cook the Panch Phoron until they pop, add the onion & chilli, cook until soft, add the spices except the garam masala & mix well.
Add the potato, vinegar, sweetener, tomatoes & chicken, cook for 20 mins until the chicken is fully cooked. Add the garam masala a few minute before serving.


Chicken, baked beans & leek casserole


Serves 2


1 Medium size Leek, finely sliced (s)
1 Onion, finely sliced (s)
1 Tsp Dried Tarragon
1 Tbsp. Tomato Puree
1Tbsp Red wine vinegar
4 Large tomatoes, chopped into small pieces (s)
400g baked beans (p) (f)
400mL Chicken stock
460g Chicken thighs, skinless (p)
Salt & Pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
Cut the chicken into 2.5cm chunks, cook in a casserole dish until lightly cooked, add red wine, onion & leeks, allow the onions to soften, add the tomatoes, tarragon, baked beans, tomato puree & chicken stock, season well.
Bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer for 5 mins, cover, & remove to the oven, cook for several hours on a “eco” setting (90C) serve with veg of your choice or rice.


Chickpea & Cauliflower Curry


Serves 2


1 Garlic clove, crushed (s)
1 Knorr Curry flavour pot (2 syns/2=1 syn per person)
1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Cm of ginger, grated
1 Tbsp. Tomato puree (s)
200mL Knorr herb stockpot + hot water
200g Cauliflower heads (s)
400g Chickpeas, drained (p) (f)
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)
S & P
(* Cooked rice if required)


Heat a frying pan, sprayed with frylight, on a low heat, add onions, ginger & garlic, and cook till soft.
When soft, add the Knorr curry flavour pot, mix well.
Add the tomatoes, chickpeas, tomato puree, cauliflower & stock. Increase the heat to a boil then reduce after a few minutes to a simmer, cook for 25-30 mins, covered.
Cook rice if required.


Chickpea Dahl


Serves 4


3 medium size eggs (p)
120g packet of Sainsbury’s Indian style curry savoury rice
400g Aldi Chickpea Dahl (p)
S & P


Cook the rice as per the packet instructions, drain in a sieve then allow to cool.
Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
Mix the rice with the chickpeas & eggs, season well.
Tip the mixture in to a shallow tin tray, lined with greaseproof paper, cook for 25 mins then insert a skewer, if it comes out clean, it’s cooked, if not cook for a few minutes more.
Lift the mix from the tin & allow to cool on a wire rack.


Slimming world Colcannon


Serves 2


1 Small onion, finely chopped (s)
2 Large potatoes
2 Sachets of Butter Buds (1syn)
6 leaves of Savoy or Kale cabbage, chopped into fine strips (s) (sff)
100mL Semi skimmed milk (0.25 Hea)
S & P


Boil the potatoes until cooked & soft enough to mash, mash up, add 1 butter bud, cover & keep warm.
In the meantime add the chopped onion into a saucepan filled with the milk, season well, bring to the boil, also boil some salted water then add the cabbage, boil for 5 mins only then drain.
Add the milk & cabbage to the mash, add the 2nd butter bud, mix well. Check for the seasoning.


Corned Beef Hash


Serves 2


1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Tbsp. Fresh chives, finely chopped
2 Eggs (p)
2 Medium Potatoes
100mL Skimmed milk (2 syns/2= 1 Syn per person) (Or from daily allowance)
200g Princes lean corned beef (4 syns/2= 2 syns per personS & P


Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters & boil until the potatoes are cooked, remove, drain, then mash & add the milk to create a smooth mash. Set aside.
In the meantime cook the onions in a frying pan, sprayed with frylight, until soft.
Open the tin of corned beef & chop up into small pieces.
In a large bowl, mix the mash with the corned beef, add the chives & season well, keep warm.