Serves 4
1 Onion, finely chopped (s)
1 Tbsp. Tomato purees (s)
1 Tbsp. Smoked paprika
2 Tbsp. Sweetener
2 Tbsp. Worcester sauce
3 Garlic cloves, finely chopped (s)
3 Tbsp. Cider vinegar
400g Chopped tomatoes (s)
750g—1 Kg Pork shoulder or leg (p)
In a small saucepan, sprayed with frylight, cook the onion & garlic until soft.
Add the other ingredients, bring to the boil then reduce the heat & cook until it thickens up, stirring from time to time, when thickened, set aside.
Pre-heat the oven to an “eco setting” (90C)
Cut off all the fat that you can from the meat.
In a hot large casserole dish, sprayed with frylight, brown the meat all over.
Cover the meat with the sauce, cover the dish with a lid then cook for at least 6 Hrs until the meat can be pulled from the bone with a fork.