Start Eating These 26 Foods The Moment You Notice Your Vision Getting Worse


Vitamin A is vital for a healthy vision, and its optimized levels in the body prevent dry eyes, eye inflammations, and night time blindness.

This vitamin is also helpful in the treatment of some other health issues.  The recommended daily intake of this vitamin for adults is 5000 IU.

Today, we will reveal 26 foods rich in vitamin A, whose consumption will help you increase its levels in the body and thus improve your vision:

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals, and low in calories. Namely, one medium tomato supplies the body with 20% of daily Vitamin A. Moreover, tomatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin C and lycopene.

Serving Size (1 medium), 1025 IU of Vitamin A (20% DV), 22 calories.

  1. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is high in vitamins and nutrients, but low in fat and calories.  Only one wedge provides 120% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (1 wedge, or 1/8 medium melon), 5986 IU of Vitamin A (120% DV), 23 calories.

  1. Beef Liver

Beef liver is a rich source of Vitamins C and A, and a great remedy in the case of anemia. A 100-gram serving of beef liver contains 300% of the daily needs of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (100 grams), 16898 IU of Vitamin A (338% DV), 135 calories.

  1. Iceberg Lettuce

The lighter green Iceberg lettuce variety is loaded with Vitamin A, and a cup of Iceberg lettuce contains only 10 calories, so it is an excellent, healthy, and tasty meal, which will provide numerous nutrients.

Serving Size (1 cup shredded), 361 IU of Vitamin A (7% DV), 10 calories.

  1. Peaches

Peaches are highly nutritious fruits, and a rich source of potassium, iron, magnesium, Vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus. Also, a medium-sized peach contains 10% of the amount the average person needs daily.

Serving Size (1 medium), 489 IU of Vitamin A (10% DV), 59 calories.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are full of nutrients and have a delicious taste. A medium sweet potato gives 438% of the average adult’s Vitamin A needs for the day, and has only 103 calories.

Serving Size (1 medium), 21909 IU of Vitamin A (438% DV), 103 calories.

  1. Red Bell Peppers

The tasty and versatile red peppers are full of vitamin A, C, and lycopene.

Serving Size (1 medium), 3726 IU of Vitamin A (75% DV), 37 calories.

  1. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil can be consumed in two forms, both liquid and capsule form, and is loaded with Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Serving Size (1 tablespoon), 14000 IU of Vitamin A (280% DV), 126 calories.

  1. Turkey Liver

Turkey liver is loaded with vitamins and minerals. A 100-gram turkey liver provides 1507% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (100 grams), 75333 IU of Vitamin A (1507% DV), 273 calories.

  1. Mangoes

These sweet, juicy fruits are highly nutritious, and a cup provides 36% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (1 cup sliced), 1785 IU of Vitamin A (36% DV), 107 calories.

  1. Spinach

Spinach is an incredibly healthy food, and a rich source of vitamin A, C, K, iron, calcium, and manganese. A one-cup serving of spinach provides 49% of the daily recommended value.

Serving Size (1 cup), 2464 IU of Vitamin A (49% DV), 8 calories.

  1. Turnip Greens

Leafy greens are rich in nutrients but low in calories. Turnip greens are an excellent source of vitamin A.

Serving Size (1 cup chopped), 6373 IU of Vitamin A (127% DV), 18 calories.

  1. Fortified Oatmeal

Many grains and dairy products are rich in essential vitamins, like vitamins A and D. A cup serving of numerous brands of fortified oatmeal provide over 29% of the daily need of this vitamin.

Serving Size (1 cup cooked), 1453 IU of Vitamin A (29% DV), 159 calories.

  1. Whole Milk

The rich taste and numerous nutrients make whole milk or skim milk a great, healthy alternative. It is rich in Vitamins D and A, protein, calcium, and magnesium.

Serving Size (1 cup), 395 IU of Vitamin A (8% DV), 146 calories.

  1. Carrots

Carrots are loaded with vitamin A, and one medium carrot accounts for more than 200% of the daily Vitamin A needs. Carrots are also rich in fiber, magnesium, and Vitamins C, K, and B.

Serving Size (1 medium), 10191 IU of Vitamin A (204% DV), 25 calories.

  1. Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is rich in beta carotene, which is turned into Vitamin A in the body. A one-cup serving of butternut squash cubes contains more than 400% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A. It is also loaded with potassium, fiber, and Vitamin C.

Serving Size (1 cup cubes), 22868 IU of Vitamin A (457% DV), 82 calories.

  1. Dried Basil

100 grams of dried basil provides 15% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (100 grams), 744 IU of Vitamin A (15% DV), 251 calories.

  1. Paprika

Paprika is a popular spice in the Indian, South American, and Spanish cuisine, and a tablespoon of it gives 69% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin A. Moreover, it is also rich in potassium, calcium, and vitamin C.

Serving Size (1 tablespoon), 3448 IU of Vitamin A (69% DV), 20 calories.

  1. Dandelion Greens

Dandelion greens are full of antioxidants, iodine, and calcium, and low in calories. Furthermore, a cup of these greens contains 100% of the daily recommended value.

Serving Size (1 cup), 5589 IU of Vitamin A (112% DV), 25 calories.

  1. Kale

This tasty and nutrient-rich vegetable boosts health in numerous ways, and it is a good choice to get the recommended amount of Vitamin A for the day. A one-cup serving provides 200% of what the average person needs.

Serving Size (1 cup), 10302 IU of Vitamin A (206% DV), 34 calories.

  1. Red Pepper

A tablespoon of red pepper provides 42% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (1 tablespoon), 2081 IU of Vitamin A (42% DV), 16 calories.

  1. Peas

One serving of peas (half a cup) contains 134% of the recommended amount of Vitamin A and has only 62 calories. Furthermore, it is high in vitamins B, C, and K.

Serving Size (1/2 cup), 1680 IU of Vitamin A (134% DV), 62 calories.

  1. Mustard Greens

A cup of chopped mustard green provides 118% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A, and they are also a rich source of calcium, protein, folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, manganese, fiber.

Serving Size (1 cup chopped), 5880 IU of Vitamin A (118% DV), 15 calories.

  1. Dried Apricots

Dried fruits are always a fantastic source of antioxidants, nutrients, and energy. Dried apricots are high in vitamin A, as a cup contains 94% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A.

Serving Size (1 cup halves), 4685 IU of Vitamin A (94% DV), 313 calories.

  1. Dried Marjoram

Dried marjoram is one of the richest herbal sources of vitamin A, as a 100-gram serving provides 161% of the recommended daily Vitamin A.

Serving Size (100 grams), 8068 IU of Vitamin A (161% DV), 271 calories.

  1. Papaya

The tropical papaya fruit is vitamin A, antioxidants, minerals, other vitamins, and enzymes. A small papaya can supply the body with 29% of the daily recommended value.

Serving Size (1 small), 1444 IU of Vitamin A (29% DV), 59 calories.

Vitamin A is crucial for the health of our skin, the immune system, and the proper development, functioning, and maintenance of the eyes.

The best part is that you can optimize its levels by consuming various vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy, and meat, and thus enjoy its numerous health benefits.
